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Good Afternoon

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Oh hey there springtime, long time no see. This crazy weather is a total mind game. It's too nice out to be December. Granted its a little on the chilly side but driving around with the sunroof opened, windows down and britney spears blaring...I was pretty darn happy for the first time in awhile. Downside, watch me get this stupid cold back.

New Years eve is tomorrow. I'm so ready to say good by 08. I'm going to miss the h8 g8 of 08's but whatever. 2009 has great things for me. Graduation, Summer, College, growing up, new memories, I can't wait to live it all. I'm jumping on the band wagon here and giving you my "2008 lists"

gr8 moments of 08

- I got my license. Freedom...yeah not so much. But its nice to be able to take myself somewhere now.
- Voted in the 2008 presidential election. How many people can say their vote really did change history. We elected our first African American president and I was part of it. Go Me!
- I honestly truely did realize who my true friends were. They are the people who haven't left and helped me through so much.
- I had a freaking amazing 18th birthday, provided it poured down rain during the football game. We still played Penny Lane and I still cried during Georgia on my Mind. I'm such a band geek<3
- Got accepted at Akron University AND Columbia in Chicago. Don't know where i'm going yet but I've got options at least.
- 3.9 GPA. ugh so close. tyvm mrs. preston.....

Music I loved in 08
- Circus ( enough said b.spears=amazing talented)
- Pretty. Odd. ( was even better live let me tell you)
- Fast Times at Barrington High (whatever I loved it, say what you want. CD totally reflects my high school career. Thank you TAI)
- Whisper War ( just...amazing...)
- Simple Plan (I never lost my faith you simple plan. you still rocked hard)

Seriously 2008...
- Zac's death
- Pinky's death
- Heath Ledger's death
- how many times I went to the E.R.
- being on crutches and in that stupid walking boot
- losing friends
- ....drama

I'll make my 2008 CD thank-you later.
If you don't know what i'm talking about, you'll understand later.

life is a slippery slope, regret is the steepest hill.