My life as of today
1:35 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
My life is currently revolving around these few things:
1. FAFSA, Financial Aid, Scholarships
2. Senioritis
3. Ohio State Board of Cosmetology
4. Finding a job in this horrible no good economy
5. Destination Imagination
6. Graduation
7. Having no more snow days left and its only February. What are we going to do when March hits and we get that last two feet of snow?
Where is the time for me just to stop worrying and stressing so much and just be myself? I know growing up is a requirement in this thing we call life but shouldn't fun be a requirement too?
I'm just putting this out there in case you are reading this...
Keep on talking, no one is listening. In case you haven't noticed, no one really likes you three all that much. One of you has your head stuck so far up your rear that the only person you are capable of caring about is yourself and for the other two, you both act so trashy that none of us can really stand it anymore. Do us all a favor and quit trying to impress us. We are not amused.
I really try to be a good and nice person but heathus, a girl can only take so much before she gets really pissed off.
Where in the world can you get these as a pet
so damn cute<3 I want one.
oh and speaking of animals.
I have an irrational fear of hippos and sharks because of these pictures.
1. FAFSA, Financial Aid, Scholarships
2. Senioritis
3. Ohio State Board of Cosmetology
4. Finding a job in this horrible no good economy
5. Destination Imagination
6. Graduation
7. Having no more snow days left and its only February. What are we going to do when March hits and we get that last two feet of snow?
Where is the time for me just to stop worrying and stressing so much and just be myself? I know growing up is a requirement in this thing we call life but shouldn't fun be a requirement too?
I'm just putting this out there in case you are reading this...
Keep on talking, no one is listening. In case you haven't noticed, no one really likes you three all that much. One of you has your head stuck so far up your rear that the only person you are capable of caring about is yourself and for the other two, you both act so trashy that none of us can really stand it anymore. Do us all a favor and quit trying to impress us. We are not amused.
I really try to be a good and nice person but heathus, a girl can only take so much before she gets really pissed off.
Where in the world can you get these as a pet
so damn cute<3 I want one.
oh and speaking of animals.
I have an irrational fear of hippos and sharks because of these pictures.
Don't worry hun, once summer comes around, just make it awesome! I know, we do need to meet up sometime! Disney channel needs to play Aladdin more often! ^_^
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