Twitter / ashley_owens

7:50 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
The past few days it's been simply beautiful out. It made me realize how much I love my life. My skin was slightly pink for a couple of days due to the 90 degrees and sunshine I enjoyed.

The stress of DI is over with. We came in 9th out of 16 teams. It wasn't bad at all. I'm happy with everything and the most important part of it is that I had a great time. I'm now an official DI Alumni. Next year, I venture out as a team manager to 6 middle school girls. I'm super stoked for this. They are the coolest kids I've ever met and they are all super talented in every way possible. Congrats to the challenge C and the Challenge A teams going to globals next month. Good luck and have a blast guys. You deserved it.

I'm off to finish more research for my paper. I'll write more later...
