Twitter / ashley_owens

Survey. Please help me out!

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Music Downloading, Social Networking and File Sharing Survey
This is a confidential survey. Do not put your name on it.
It will be used for research purposes only.
Feel free to skip any questions you are uncomfortable with answering.

1) Do you download music?
___ Yes
___ No

2) If you said yes, What programs do you use to download your music? (check all that apply)
___ Limewire
___ Bearshare
___ iTunes
___ Napster
___ bitTorrent
___ Kazaa
___ Other (if checked please specify)_________________

3) About how often do you download music?
___ Rarely or none at all
___ Often
___ Frequently
___ Daily

4) When you purchase a record, do you purchase it from a store or online music stores?
___ Record Store
___ Online

5) Do you belong to a social networking site?
___ Yes
___ No

6) If yes, what site(s) do you belong to? (check more than one if necessary)
___ Myspace
___ PureVolume
___ Facebook
___ Bebo
___ MyYearbook
___ Livejournal
___ Tumblr
___ Twitter
___ other (please specify) _______________________________

7) Do you feel that social networking sites have negatively affected the music industry?

8) Do you feel file-sharing is causing the industry to decline?


Anonymous said...

1) Do you download music?
_x__ Yes
___ No

2) If you said yes, What programs do you use to download your music? (check all that apply)
__x_ Limewire
___ Bearshare
___ iTunes
___ Napster
___ bitTorrent
___ Kazaa
__x_ Other (if checked please specify)___frostwire________

3) About how often do you download music?
___ Rarely or none at all
___ Often
__x_ Frequently
___ Daily

4) When you purchase a record, do you purchase it from a store or online music stores?
__x_ Record Store
_x__ Online

5) Do you belong to a social networking site?
_x__ Yes
___ No

6) If yes, what site(s) do you belong to? (check more than one if necessary)
_x__ Myspace
___ PureVolume
__x_ Facebook
___ Bebo
___ MyYearbook
___ Livejournal
___ Tumblr
___ Twitter
__x_ other (please specify) ______________xanga_________

7) Do you feel that social networking sites have negatively affected the music industry?

I think it helps get music more out there. I do think, however, that it can pose some unforseen negative effects.

Anonymous said...

1) Do you download music?
_x__ Yes
___ No

2) If you said yes, What programs do you use to download your music? (check all that apply)
___ Limewire
___ Bearshare
___ iTunes
___ Napster
___ bitTorrent
___ Kazaa
_x__ Other (if checked please specify)____last.fm_____________

3) About how often do you download music?
___ Rarely or none at all
___ Often
_x__ Frequently
___ Daily

4) When you purchase a record, do you purchase it from a store or online music stores?
___ Record Store
_x__ Online

5) Do you belong to a social networking site?
_x__ Yes
___ No

6) If yes, what site(s) do you belong to? (check more than one if necessary)
___ Myspace
___ PureVolume
___ Facebook
___ Bebo
___ MyYearbook
___ Livejournal
___ Tumblr
_x__ Twitter
_x__ other (please specify),, and linkedin______________________________

7) Do you feel that social networking sites have negatively affected the music industry?

No, I think they're the only thing keeping it alive.

8) Do you feel file-sharing is causing the industry to decline?

No, poor product quality and failure to understand the evolution of the marketplace is what's causing the decline.

Anonymous said...

1) Do you download music?
_x__ Yes
___ No

2) If you said yes, What programs do you use to download your music? (check all that apply)
___ Limewire
___ Bearshare
_x__ iTunes
___ Napster
___ bitTorrent
___ Kazaa
_x__ Other (if checked please specify)___file2hd.com______________

3) About how often do you download music?
___ Rarely or none at all
___ Often
___ Frequently
__x_ Daily

4) When you purchase a record, do you purchase it from a store or online music stores?
_x__ Record Store
_x__ Online

5) Do you belong to a social networking site?
__x_ Yes
___ No

6) If yes, what site(s) do you belong to? (check more than one if necessary)
__x_ Myspace
___ PureVolume
__x_ Facebook
___ Bebo
___ MyYearbook
__x_ Livejournal
__x_ Tumblr
__x_ Twitter
___ other (please specify) _______________________________

7) Do you feel that social networking sites have negatively affected the music industry?

No. They help bands become better known, and are great for advertising new albums, songs, and tours.

8) Do you feel file-sharing is causing the industry to decline?
No. There are still a lot of people who buy records, and the industry doesn't seem to be going downhill at all.